Optics Physics

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691 ta sharh
100 ming+
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This application for optics is a pocket dictionary of all optical characteristics and its analysis with formulas to find various parameters. This helps learner’s to study Reflection, Laws of reflection, Spherical Mirrors, Formation of image by a spherical mirror, Relation between focal length and radius of curvature, Law of distances-Mirror Equation, Magnification, Linear magnification, Refraction of light, Laws of refraction, Total internal reflection, Critical angle, Applications of total internal reflection, Lenses, Optic Centre, Principal Focus, Focal length, Focal Plane, Image formation, Images formed by a convex lens, Image formed by a concave lens, Refraction at a Spherical Surface, Thin Lens Formula and Lens maker’s Formula, Law of distances, Linear Magnification, Power of a lens, Lens Combinations, Combination of two thin lenses in Contact, Combination of two thin lenses out of Contact, Scattering of light, Rayleigh scattering law, Raman scattering, Optical instruments, Microscopes, Simple Microscope, Compound Microscope, Telescopes, Refracting Telescope, Resolving Power, Wave optics, Wave motion, Wavelength and Phase of vibration, Wave front, Huygens’ Principle, Reflection of a plane wave front at a plane surface, Interference of light, Principle of superposition of waves, Condition for sustained interference, Young’s double slit experiment, Expression for bandwidth, Band width (β), Condition to produce good interference bands, Colours of thin films, Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction, Diffraction due to a single slit, Polarisation, Polariser and Analyser, Polaroids, and Brewster’s law. Let’s begin to learn optics.
Oxirgi yangilanish
22-avg, 2023

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