Photo Reports Pro

Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

Bu ilova haqida

The app helps you create photo reports containing pictures and comments on them, and send these reports in pdf format via email or messenger.
Photo reports will facilitate the work of specialists of different professions and company managers.

What features and advantages does the "Photo Reports Pro" app have?
- Simple and convenient user interface
- You can see how the reports turned out in pdf before sending them
- At any time, you can return to any of the previously created reports, make changes to it and send it again
- The photo report element can be without a photo, only with text, or you can save the text first, and then insert a photo, or vice versa
- Ability to add company logo to pdf-report
- PDF file page can contain 1, 2 or 4 photos with descriptions
- Pagination of pdf-file and report elements
- In the text of the photo description, you can quickly insert the date stamp, text from the voice
- Reports can be arranged in folders, there is a Recycle Bin
- Light and dark themes
- Different sizes of report file are available: large (high quality of photo), standard (medium quality of photo), small (low quality of photo)

Where and why this app can be used?
- Create a technical report
- Prepare a report, note, review of anything
- Conduct an audit at the enterprise
- Collect material from lectures and seminars, make a cheat sheet
- Share what you've seen and photographed with your friends
- Tell about a campaign, vacation, business trip, ...
Oxirgi yangilanish
22-avg, 2023

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