My Town: Cinema and Movie Game

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39,7 ming ta sharh
10 mln+
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Your movie is about to start in the My Town Movie Theater

Enter the movie theater and buy a ticket for the film you’d like to enjoy. You get to choose from 3 different movies specificially made for kids! Take photos with your favorite movie star or super hero on the red carpet and grab your popcorn before settling down in your cinema seat.

What’s even more fun than just going to see a movie? Running the movie theater yourself! Your friends will be hungry before the film, and you can make them their own popcorn. No movie menu is complete without a drink, so don’t forget the soda! You even get to enter the projection room and run the movie projector all by yourself! Sometimes the projector breaks down and you’ll get to fix it with life-like tools.
What’s even MORE fun than running a movie theater? Directing or acting in your own movie! Make your very own film, you can even direct or act in the film the wizard of Oz that is being shot at the movie studio. Become a movie star in this movie game for kids developed by the makers of the My Town Games.

My Town: Movie Star & Cinema - Movie Game Features
*Many new characters with new costumes to dress up - choose the perfect outfit for the movie premiere, so your movie star can shine on the red carpet
*The movie game offers so many rooms to discover and explore! Starting direct at the movie studio and make sure you have a great time at the cinema!
*14 characters to choose from, many roles to play, including: movie directors, movie stars and cinema staff If you can imagine it, you can make it. Everything is possible in this movie game by My Town
*Create your own movies and show them in your cinema in this movie theater game for kids
*Become the biggest movie star the My Town Community has ever seen

Recommended Age Group
Kids 4-12: My Town games are safe to play even when parents are out of the room. Younger children can direct movies together with their parents, while older kids run the movie theater alone or with friends.

About My Town
The My Town Games studio designs digital doll house games that promote creativity and open ended play for your children all over the world. Loved by children and parents alike, My Town games introduce environments and experiences for hours of imaginative play. The company has offices in Israel, Spain, Romania and the Philippines. For more information, please visit
Oxirgi yangilanish
27-avg, 2024

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This update includes bug fixes and updated systems. Sorry for any inconvenience! Enjoy the game!