Basic learning of children's m

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▷Mathematics can be fun for children of all ages to learn!

Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are practiced as games and help children who are weak in math learn math in an easy and fun way.
By doing simple mental arithmetic, children develop problem-solving skills and become interested in mathematics.
There are quiz games in which children choose answers to questions by increasing the difficulty level, and games in which they can solve problems themselves.

▷Get the math problems right within the time limit and get a high score!

Record the score to create a spirit of inquiry and improvement in children
It helps you create a habit of learning by solving math every day.

Be generous with encouragement and praise to help your children do better at home too!

In addition to studying math, it can be enjoyed by anyone, young or old, as it can be enjoyed lightly as a quiz game to improve logic and train the brain.
Oxirgi yangilanish
2-yan, 2023

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