zipNship - Zip and share files

70 ta sharh
5 ming+
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Select files from your favorite file manager or gallery app and share them with zipNship to reduce their size.

Put your photos in a single file and send them from any app without loss of quality.

You do not have to give read and write permissions of your storage to zip files.
Does not requires any permission to run.

How it works

• Select one or more files using your favorite file manager, a gallery app and any other app you use to view and manage your files.

• Share the selected files and send them to "zipNship - Zip".

• Create a compressed file that contains all the selected files. Minimize the size of the data to be sent and in case of photographs maintain their quality.

• Share the zip file with any application, send it via email, message or save it in the cloud.

• You can share the zip file again or delete it to free up space on your storage.

Note that some files, such as jpg photographs, cannot be compressed much more than the original. In this case, putting them in a zip file guarantees that their quality will not be impacted by the program used to send them.

You can also unzip a file in a similar way. You will have to select the zip file and share it with "zipNship - Unzip". The first time you will need to select a folder and allow the application to unzip the file on it.

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Oxirgi yangilanish
31-avg, 2023

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69 ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

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