Qr Code Reader

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"QR code reader: scan, read and generate qr code fast and easy

QR code reader: is the best application to help you scan and read the qrcode, barcode. Our application will help you identify the hidden content in the qrcode and process the content very quickly and simply.

Outstanding features of the Qrcode reader application.
- Qr Code Reader - scans QR codes & barcodes
- PDF Scanner - turns your iPhone into a digital scanner
- Business Card Scanner - scans business contacts
- Puzzle Scanner - scan and play puzzles
- Database Scanner - send barcodes to a server/API
- NFC Scanner (Only available NFC compatible devices)

- Browse products, deals & coupons
- Auto-detect scanning. Simply point & hold!
- Share using email, messenger, Facebook or Twitter.
- Create your own QR codes (Export as PNG or SVG)
- Approve websites before visiting them.
- Export your scans by CSV

How to work:
1. Open the application to select the scan mode
2. Point the camera at the qrcode or barcode image
3. The app will automatically adjust and scan the qrcode image
4. Depending on the content of the application qrcode, there will be suitable suggestions. For example link, map, text etc.

Rate us 5 stars if you love our app and continue to support us in the future. On behalf of our app development team, I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to our beloved users.

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Oxirgi yangilanish
15-avg, 2022

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9 ta sharh

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Version 1.1.0