OMNI telemetry

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OMNI telemetry is an alternative app for use with the eChook Nano board developed by and used in electric cars that compete in the Greenpower Trust challenge.

An eChook Nano board collects sensor data from the car including battery voltage, current, motor RPM, motor temperature, and car speed. The data is transmitted using Bluetooth to the OMNI telemetry app.

OMNI telemetry stores the data on the device on which it is installed and can optionally upload the data using the mobile phone network to a telemetry data website where the data can be viewed in the pits and analysed in near real time.

The app can be set to keep the screen on and be used as a dashboard in the car, or can be set to operate with the screen off to conserve battery power.

1. An eChook Nano board is required in the car to collect data from the sensors and send the data to the OMNI telemetry app. (A demonstration data mode does not require an eChook Nano board and can be used to evaluate the app and test the data upload to telemetry data websites).
2. An account and/or login is required on any cloud data service or website to which the telemetry data is uploaded. The app can upload data to the following:
- eChook Private Live Data
- Banchory Greenpower data website
- a user defined website URL
Oxirgi yangilanish
27-iyl, 2024

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No changes to functionality. Updated to Android 14.

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Keith Duncan Roberts
United Kingdom