Sudoku : Easy and Fun !

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Sudoku is for all players : from beginners to advanced players. If you like easy sudoku where you can have fun, enjoy, relax and pass your time in a pleasant way you will love this game. If you like to raise big sudoku challenges and make your brain work hard, this classic sudoku game is also perfect for you.
It’s time to get a gaming break and to relax with our sudoku. Just forget your problems and just have fun with Sudoku King Master. You were used to play sudoku on the web or with a real pencil and paper ? Now you can play Sudoku on your mobile phones or tablets.

Pick the difficulty level your prefer: you can choose from the easiest one (Easy mode) so you can train your brain, and solve the puzzles with a simple level of logic and memory, but you can also choose the Hard / Very Hard / or Insane modes to give your mind a real workout (for sudoku pro / expert). Our classic Sudoku puzzle game has a lot of features that will help you to solve the grid if you need: You can have help with hints and auto-check. It's your choice to use them or not to complete the puzzles depending on the difficulty of the challenge you are looking for.
All grids in SUDOKU has one solution. You will not be blocked,... never !!! What's more, in our app each puzzle has one solution.

- Daily Challenges : "Challenge of the Day"
- Highlighting duplicates numbers in the same row, column and block
- Make notes as on paper
- Unlimited number of puzzles
- 9x9 grids
- 5 difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, Hard, Very Hard, Insane
- Hints will help you when you are stucked
- You'll get a lot of statistics to track your progress (best time, number of hints, achievements...)
- You have unlimited undos, so when you make a mistake you can just go back easily.
- Different grid color. Choose your perfect color of grid, cell and numbers to play, have fun and relax.
Oxirgi yangilanish
27-iyn, 2023

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Play Sudoku, a great classic ! Are you a super master at the sudoku game ?