Stitch - Community for 50+

157 ta sharh
10 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
M (17+)

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Companionship, Activities, Events, Travel, Dating and more for anyone over 50.

Stitch is the world's leading companionship site for adults aged 50 and above. If you're a Stitch member, the Stitch app is the best way to experience Stitch on your Android device, giving you a great way to stay in touch with the Stitch community while you're on the go.

The Stitch app lets Stitch members:
* Browse Stitch member profiles
* Communicate with other Stitch members
* Find and attend Stitch activities & events near you
* Suggest activities you would like to do
* Find travel companions & group travel experiences
* Participate in Stitch member forums
* Manage your Stitch profile

Q: What is Stitch?
A: Stitch is a community for adults 50 years and over helping them find the companionship they need. For some people this might be a romantic partner, for others it could just be a friend. Stitch recognizes that there are many different types of companionship, and that the need for companionship doesn’t go away as we age.

Q: Is Stitch a dating site?
A: Many Stitch members are seeking dating and romance, and find partners through the Stitch community. Stitch is about a lot more than just dating, however: many of our members are simply looking for friendship, and all enjoy having a little more companionship in their lives. No matter whether they're looking for dating, friendship, or anything in between, all our members have one thing in common: they have plenty of things they want to do with their lives, they are just looking forward to sharing those things with other Stitch members!

Q: How old do I need to be to join Stitch?
A: You must be over 50 to join the Stitch community.

Questions or Concerns? Please contact us at We respond to every enquiry.
Oxirgi yangilanish
23-iyl, 2024

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