Package Explorer

86 ta sharh
10 ming+
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Package Explorer is a tool for software developers that displays information about the all the apps it can find on your Android. In addition to listing the apps and displaying their AndroidManifest information, to collects a list of all intent-filters, uses-permissions and Activities that these apps declare.

The intent-filter table can be sorted by Action, Category, data filters, package name of intent-filter type so you can see what activities and services are provided by each package. Tapping on a package name shows you the manifest for the package.

The uses-permissions page lists all the uses-permissions the packages declare, and lists which packages use each permission. This lets you find out which apps can mess with which services.

The Activities page shows which activities are provided by which packages.

PackageExplorer is a tool I needed understanding what is where in Android. It was developed on an Evo and tested a bit on other devives, but it lacks polish. Of course it isn't guaranteed and may not give bad results. I may not fix things -- hard sell!
Oxirgi yangilanish
26-yan, 2011

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