PCRYPT: Password Manager App

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PCRYPT is a secure password manager app for organizations and individuals.
With PCRYPT by Password Crypt, you will get a secure online password manager that handles your login information and credentials. Our free password manager is created for companies/departments, as well as private users. PCRYPT password manager ensures that all your password data is securely stored and easily accessible. There is no need to install any application - access and functionality are provided within a normal web browser. PCRYPT by Password Crypt is a conveniently optimized solution for mobile phones and tablets.

Enhance your online security with Password Crypt and get safe encrypted storage for all your credentials data.

PCRYPT Password Manager features:
🛡️Online internet solution with central storage for all your passwords and login details. PCRYPT Password Manager app allows you to securely store an unlimited number of passwords, passkeys, and login details.
📍Geolocation for your credentials - see relevant passwords based on your location.
👥Share passwords in teams with selected users. PCRYPT password manager is an effective business solution for any company or team.
🔒Secure symmetric/asymmetric encryption using AES256 and ECC for maximum online security. We take online privacy very seriously, so you can be sure that with PCRYPT, your online data is safe and secure. We encrypt all your personal data with the strongest encryption available.
🌐Browser extensions and add-ons for desktop browsers. PCRYPT password manager enhances your ability to manage passwords across all your devices. Encryption is performed on your device, so only encrypted data is sent over the internet to the central data store, providing an extra layer of online security.

PCRYPT Password Manager has been reviewed by the Danish Security Institution Alexandra and got the highest security rating, affirming its reliability in protecting your passwords, login information, and encrypted data.

Our free password manager prioritizes your online security and online privacy protection. We do not allow advertisements or tracking. We do not collect any data about you or require special privileges. The main library of our password manager app is open source, ensuring transparency and trust.

Never forget your password again with PCRYPT Password Manager. You can easily access all your passwords and credentials with our app, and at the same time, be sure that all your data is safe and secure.

Maximize your online security with Password Crypt - download PCRYPT free Password Manager now!

Access all your passwords at: https://app.pcrypt.com
Oxirgi yangilanish
9-fev, 2024

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Auto-fill passwords functionality