360 Circle

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🌀 360 Circle: Endless Loop Adventure! Welcome to the world of 360 Circle! Download now and immerse yourself in a thrilling gaming experience where you control the rotating circle, capture spheres from the center, and challenge your reflexes. Avoid escaping spheres, collect golden orbs to earn points, and unlock unique costumes in the store to personalize your circle.

🌟 Golden Orbs and Costume Collection: Collect golden orbs at regular intervals and earn points. Use these points to unlock various costumes, adding a splash of color and fun to your gaming experience. Discover different and vibrant costumes that make your gameplay even more entertaining!

🎮 Simple Controls, Challenging Gameplay: Easily control the rotating circle in 360 degrees. However, beware of the fast-paced gameplay that will test your skills. Improve your abilities, achieve high scores, and compete with friends in this challenging and addictive endless loop.

🌌 Graphics: 360 Circle offers captivating visuals with colorful graphics and minimalist design. The stylish and simple graphics enhance the overall enjoyment, creating an engaging and visually appealing atmosphere.

👾 Embrace the Competition: Compete with friends and other players worldwide through in-game leaderboards. Aim for high scores, make a name for yourself, and enjoy the thrill of friendly rivalry.

Download 360 Circle now and experience the joy of rotating your circle in a challenging endless loop. Turn the circle, catch spheres, and claim the top spot on the leaderboard! Let the gaming excitement begin!
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-iyl, 2024

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Dastur ishlab chiquvchilar axborot ulashilishini qanday aytishi haqida batafsil
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*Release v0.0.2

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