Fast Play Initiative Tracker

45 ta sharh
5 ming+
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The dungeon master can keep the Dungeons & Dragons game moving with this streamlined initiative manager. Designed to minimize steps. At the beginning of each round press the "Next Round" button and all creatures get new initiative rolls (including their bonus) and the list is sorted.

Enter each player or NPC name and initiative bonus. At the beginning of each battle add the monsters. This is very helpful when dealing with a large number of monsters.

There are options to support two styles of playing: rolling initiative each round or rolling just once at the beginning of the battle.

Delete monsters or players as they are defeated. Add new monsters in the middle of the battle.

* A round counter keeps track of rounds.
* Monster dictionary auto-completes when typing monster names. Because this is a small list you usually only need to type two letters.
* Remembers your list of players (and monsters) for next time.
* New Battle button clears away monsters and resets the round counter.
* Arranges the initiative list in columns when in landscape mode.
* Keep track of turn taken, delayed action (hold) and death.
* Adjust initiative value with long press then drag.
* Random NPC name generation.

[Search Terms: DnD, d20, game master, assistant, role-playing]
Oxirgi yangilanish
20-noy, 2023

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