Laboratory Lab Values Pro

Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

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With Laboratory values Pro, you can quickly and easily find out about blood laboratory values.

This laboratory app gives physicians and non-medical professionals a generally understandable, quickly navigable and clearly structured overview of the most important routine laboratory parameters and possible causes of their increase and decrease. The laboratory values can be found alphabetically in menu item A-Z as well as under the respective categories. The standard values are given in both the old units and SI units.

The content presented here is for neutral information and general education only and in no case replaced personal consultation, examination or diagnosis by a licensed physician. No medical decision may only be based on results and information of this program - Laboratory Values Pro App. We point out that neither remote diagnosis nor therapy suggestions are made for the individual case.

The content presented here is for neutral information and general education only and in no case replaced personal consultation, examination or diagnosis by a licensed physician. No medical decision may only be based on results and information of this program - Laboratory Values Pro Application.

For each laboratory value a short information can be queried quickly. The individual brief information is formulated in a generally understandable way and provides an overview of the indication, function and task of the respective laboratory value.
For each laboratory value numerous possible causes of their increase and decrease will be indicated.
Laboratory Pro gives the user an overview of the most important routine laboratory parameters including hematology, differential blood counts, clinical chemistry, blood clotting, Quick, INR, electrolyte balance, tumor markers and blood gas analysis.
In addition to classic scrolling, the program enables quick navigation between laboratory name, abbreviation of laboratory value, standard value, differential diagnostic interpretation of increase and decrease in value (especially for physicians, medical students, interested lay people). An additional search bar allows the targeted search for the desired laboratory value.

## Category: ##

Exhaustion / fatigue
Hair loss check
Thyroid check
trace elements
Stress check
Toxic elements
Atherosclerosis indicators
Cardiac diseases
Diabetes check
Carbohydrate metabolism
Bone metabolism
electrolyte balance
Inflammation paramters
Iron metabolism
Lipid Metabolism
Oxirgi yangilanish
7-okt, 2023

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Dastur ishlab chiquvchilar axborot jamlanishini qanday aytishi haqida batafsil

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