Bubble level

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Bubble Level - useful tool for make better your DIY ⚒️ 🔧. All you have to do is install app to have the 😀 the bubble level in your pocket. Bubble level, this is an application that makes it easier to hang everything straight. The application is very easy to use, and above all functional.

With Bubble Level 📏 you can measure in 3 planes: vertically and horizontally, and in addition see the deviations of the points from the x and y-axes. You can alibrate measurement with one click. This Bubble Level App uses an accelerometer and gyroscope to good levelling. We optimizing and developing this app for the best perfomance. Test how it work.

When you can use this Bubble Level App?
- The bubble level is nessesery when you hanging a picture on the wall
- You can use this bubble level when you assembling furniture
- You are a DIY enthusiast, but you can't spend money for new bubble level tool.
- This bubble level app is a good way for fast measurement, when you can't use professional tool. It's working!
- You haven't time to bringing real tool... It's not a problem, beacuse you can use this Bubble Level App.

Bubble level 📐 is ideal not only for DIY ⛏️, but also for people who are renovating or their apartment 🏗️. With the app, everything will be easier to level or to pivot.

The bubble level is a free. This smart app can replace the real tool . The Bubble Level app you have always on hand!

This app is based on Bubble Level code, and licensed under the GNU General Public License.
Bubble Level code: https://github.com/avianey/Level
GNU General Public License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
Oxirgi yangilanish
26-iyl, 2023

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