Host Assist

1 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

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Host Assist is a mobile concierge which helps short-term rental property owners - Airbnb or VRBO hosts - to take care of their guests. It is installed on a tablet or smartphone which is kept in the apartment for guests to use.

The application has multiple features:

🏠 you can leave a text or video message to welcome guests
🏠 record short videos explaining basic tasks like how to make a bed or use coffee machine, or write a message explaining how to check out
🏠 recommend your favorite taxi services and restaurants which offer food delivery
🏠 provide contact information, so that guests can call your mobile or send SMS message (if supported by the device), have a Skype video call or chat, or contact you via your favorite messaging application (Facebook messenger supported)
🏠 explore nearby places with Google Maps
🏠 allow your guests to leave a review of your apartment

It is easy to configure and intuitive to use, even if you and your guests are not technology nerds! There is little text in the application, instead, there are large buttons with self-explanatory images, most of the content are videos, pictures, maps and contact information so that it is easy to use also for users who don't know the language.

Host Assist is available in many popular languages (Spanish, French, English, Deutsh, Polish, Russian, Chinese and Japanese) and runs on any Android device starting from version 4 - you can install it on any cheap tablet or smartphone.

Useful information:

⭐ it is recommended to create a separate Google account for your apartment - it is for free, don't use your personal account
⭐ you need to login with this account on the device and configure payment method, to be able to purchase the app
⭐ remember to remove the payment method afterwards, so that your guests are not able to use it!
⭐ alternatively you can configure new account as a family with your personal Google account, purchase the app with your personal account and share it with family accounts

This is a free version of the Host Assist app, with the limitation of maximum 2 video guides, if you need unlimited number of video guides - you should purchase the full version:
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-yan, 2024

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