Remoku Roku TV remote control

36 ta sharh
1 ming+
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Remoku - Your Ultimate Roku TV Remote 🎮📺

Experience the convenience of controlling your Roku TV with Remoku, the ultimate remote control app. Easily navigate and access your favorite channels with a user-friendly interface.

* No Setup required - Remoku automatically scans for your Roku device 🔍
* Easy channel switcher 📺
* Fast text & voice entry on channels like Netflix, Hulu, or Disney+ 🎤⌨️
* View all your TV channels and jump directly to the one you like 🚀
* Adjust your Roku TV's volume and toggle the input 🔊
* Supports both tablets and smartphones 📱
* Navigate using D-pad or Swipe-Pad 🎮
* Pair with multiple Roku devices 🔗
* Customizable widgets for your Android homescreen 🖼️
* Option to keep the wifi from sleeping 🌐
* Beautiful design with a modern touch 🎨

Why Choose Remoku?
Remoku brings you the ultimate Roku TV experience by offering seamless navigation, quick channel access, and easy setup. Whether you're using a Roku Express, Roku Premiere, or any other Roku device, Remoku makes your TV experience smoother and more enjoyable.

Remoku is compatible with all Roku TVs and devices, including Roku Express, Roku Premiere, and Roku Smart TVs. Enjoy live TV channels, movie channels, and entertainment at your fingertips.

Download Remoku Now!
Enhance your Roku TV experience with Remoku. Download now and turn your smartphone or tablet into the ultimate Roku remote control. 🚀📲
Oxirgi yangilanish
31-iyl, 2024

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36 ta sharh

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