Simple Notes Widget

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Need to quickly make a note or make a shopping list? Need to add a lot of tasks in one go?

This home screen widget allows you to always have a to-do list at hand and immediately shows your scheduled tasks. This is a very simple and extremely easy to use tool with powerful functions. Simple Notes Widget is also great for drawing up a plan for every day, week or year.

Write down ideas and plans, share them with friends, colleagues and family members. You can use the application as a notepad, notebook, diary, memo organizer, sticky note, shopping list, or to-do list. Using the widget, you can mark things done or create reminders. You can create notes with a single click on the home screen. And if your hands are busy, use voice input, and your note is automatically transcribed into text.

Thousands of users have already appreciated the simplicity and ease of use of this application. You just need to add it to the main screen as a widget.

Main features:
• Pleasant and neat appearance with extensive customization options
• Convenient task management
• Create reminders
• Ability to prioritize notes
• Unlimited number of pages and notes in one widget
• Backup and data recovery
• Add tasks using voice
• Ability to share notes
• Import notes from other applications
• Low-footprint design won't overload your phone

Basic functions are free!
Improve Your Productivity with the Premium Upgrade
• Widget color customization
• Ability to sort pages and notes
• Sync with Dropbox
• Complete removal of ads

The widget is not an application. If you cannot find it, please go to the widgets tab (or find the widget in the menu) and drag it to the home screen.
Oxirgi yangilanish
18-apr, 2024

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8,35 ming ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

Fixed an issue with speech recognition on Android 13.