SchoolGirl AI 3D Anime Sandbox

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20,3 ming ta sharh
1 mln+
Yoshga oid cheklov
T (13+)

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Play this Online Multiplayer Role Playing Anime Sandbox Game with your friends or with new friends all over the world. Meet other Otaku Gamers, Build a world together, stay in touch and explore true friendship.

The map is huge and diverse. You can explore many different location and buildings such school, headquarter, office, nursery, apartment building, clubs, gardens, shrines and so much more. There are many different characters with a different personality such as kuudere, yandere tsundere or dandere. Each personality behaves and acts different.

You can play single or multiplayer. Non-player-characters try to simulate the best A.I. as possible.

You have a schedule. Try to maintain an ordinary school girl or school boy life.

You can play as a girl, as a tomboy or as an actual boy. A New User Interface (UI) has been invented to easily control your character and interact with other characters (NPCs), other real players in multiplayer networking games or objects in the Environment.

You can eat if you are hungry, you can drink if you are thirsty, you can rest (sleep) if you are tired, you can read a Manga Magazine or watch Anime if you are bored. If you are sick you can use a syringe, if you feel dirty you can use the Showers.

This School girl A.I. Simulation game has been realized to provide and simulate many real life situations in an 3D Anime Virtual World.

Your Schedule has regular school classes, swim classes, gym classes, music classes and many more other classes that you can attend.

There is a Pose Mode that let you perform any Pose that you wish. For example a cute pose, a victory pose, a shy pose or salute pose and many more.
You have various skills such as flying, sprinting or becoming invisible using Stealth. You can grow or shrink your characters if you prefer to be big or small.

If you are bored to play offline (Single Player Story Mode), try to connect with other people all over the world. You can join other Server or you can create own Server and host your very own games. Chat in a local Rooms Chat or in a Global Chat. You can even write PM (Private messages) to your friends if you like. You can perform any Role play as you wish. You can take Pictures with your Phone and save these memories for later or share them immediately with the built-in Share Options.

You can customize your schedule as you like. If you don't like to play with creepers you can disable creeper time. You can choose the way how other NPCs look. This includes school girls, teachers, coaches, trainers, cleaning maids and more. If you like having a pet you can choose a pet among many pets in this game. Your avatar comes with many powers, but you can unlock even more skills using the wheel of fortune within the game.

Further more this game has a full SANDBOX MAP CREATOR / BUILDER where you can create your own Game Simulator Map. Distribute your Map and share it with your friends or other player in public Rooms. You have a huge List of available items that can be placed to create your special School map.

You can also create a schoolgirl musician band. You can choose to play a instrument such as guitar, violin, drums or you can also just sing with your microphone.
This game allows you to throw with shoes, summon powerful energy balls (anti-gravity Energy). You can do date role-playing. You can kiss or hug your dearest friend.
This high school simulation goes beyond any other regular yandere style mobile game. The customization opportunities are literally infinite. Last but not least you can drive a car, you can push a shopping cart and you can even put your friends into the shopping cart or in your car as a co-driver.

Furthermore you are able to propose and get married. You can wear a white dress and even customize the dress.

Latest Release Feature is to play lots of different Squid Mini Games such as Red Light Green Light, Glass Stepping Stones (Glass Bridge) or Sugar Candy Game (Dalgona) in Multiplayer Rooms.
Oxirgi yangilanish
1-okt, 2024

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Dastur ishlab chiquvchilar axborot ulashilishini qanday aytishi haqida batafsil
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Could you please try again. The connecting/network issues have been resolved. Thanks for trying again. Furthermore lots of new stuff such as Crown, Tiara, Shoulder Pet Customization etc. have been added

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