Winner is King: Tower Rush

Reklamalar mavjudIlova ichida xaridlar
100 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
M (17+)

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Auto Battle: NonstopHeroes is an innovative game that incorporates multiple core gameplay elements: suitable for stress relief and passing the time. It offers rich content, simple gameplay, and is entertaining.
To obtain greater power, you'll need to take on and conquer some mini-games. Yes, it's a divine test.
You'll also obtain SSR heroes that engage in automatic battles and self-leveling! Plus, it's both free and effortless. You can acquire nearly all the SSR heroes within the first day.

In short, it's all about one word: FUN!

Game Story Background:
After the arrival of Ragnarok, the end of the world, the world ruled by the gods was destroyed.
10,000 years later, a new world rose from the ruins. Human prophets established the Hall of Heroes, summoning the incarnations of gods to fight for humanity, and humans became the rulers of the new world.
However, internal disagreements and ambitions soon led to a civil war, plunging the world into chaos once again.
As a human leader, you must use wisdom and strategy to manage your territories and armies, summon heroes to fight for you, compete and cooperate with other players, and ultimately become the true ruler of this new world.
The hero, who is the embodiment of God, does not require any actions from you. Just place them on the Rainbow Bridge, and they will automatically battle enemies, collect treasures, and become stronger!

Featured Heroes:
✧ Thor, the God of Thunder: wielding the mighty hammer Mjolnir, he constantly battles against giants. He is a resolute and brave hero, as well as a protector of humanity.
✧ Brynhildr, the Valkyrie: leader and protector of the souls of fallen warriors. In battle, her flying horse turns into snow-white wings, and she commands the soldiers from the high skies of the battlefield, boosting their morale.
✧ Hel, the Goddess of the Underworld: ruling the underworld, she is the mistress of the realm of the dead, the dark queen, and possesses great combat power. She is the sister of Thor.
✧ Freyja, the Goddess of Wisdom: possessing unparalleled intelligence and knowledge, she provides important inspiration and assistance for the development of humanity.
✧ Njord, the God of the Sea: controlling the vast oceans, he is powerful and valiant, and often participates in various adventures and battles with other gods.
Oxirgi yangilanish
4-sen, 2024

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