Theme for iPhone 11

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Everyone wants to have a different looks to his/her phone, that is completely personalized to his taste and liking, your friends will be amazed at the looks of your phone with this simple yet beautiful theme for iPhone 11 / iPhone 11 Pro, this theme for galaxy a8s come with beautiful wallpapers and custom icons. these icons are made with dedication and spent a lot of time on, all this hard work of the developers and yet this theme is for free, AMAZING.

Download it for free and get the stock wallpapers of the iphone 11 / iphone 11 pro and custom icons. the wallpapers works with stock UI while to apply the icons you need to have a custom launcher, and this theme for iPhone 11 support almost all the launchers available on the play store.

Some major launchers supported straight from the theme for iPhone 11 / iPhone 11 Pro are listed here.

ADW Launcher

ADW1 Launcher

ADW2 Launcher

ADW EX Launcher

google now Launcher

aviate launcher

lucid Launcher

line Launcher

Mini Launcher

zero Launcher

tsf Launcher

Launcher smart

smart pro Launcher

solo Launcher

Next Launcher

Action Launcher

Nova Launcher

Holo Launcher

holo HD Launcher

Go Launcher

KK Launcher

Apex Launcher

Thanks for downloading and enjoy.
Oxirgi yangilanish
21-okt, 2019

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