MathRace - Addition

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1 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

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MathRace: Addition is a simple and fun math game designed to help students improve on their skills regarding addition and subtraction. In each game the player must find the correct number of the respective operation to earn points. The ammount of points earned depends on the number of correct answers and the speed. As the game progresses through each level the operations increase in difficulty. At the end of each game the ap shows the mistakes that the player did. The game is free but some ads may appear upon completion of each level.

MathRace keeps a log of you games each day so that you can see your progress and keep track of how much you practiced. If you are a parent this is a usefull tool to track your child's progress. The app supports multiple profiles/players, so that more than one players can play the game on the same device.
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-iyl, 2024

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