My Maid Cafe Romance: Sexy Ani

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Life’s not easy trying to make college tuition while studying in high school. Especially when your school doesn’t allow part-time work. Luckily, you’ve managed to keep your job as a delivery man secret for now… Besides that, though, life’s going good! You’ve got three cute friends that any guy would envy. What more could you ask for?

But one day, when a secret delivery takes you to a maid cafe, you discover your three friends are all breaking school rules by working there! Now that you know their secrets, you’ve got no choice but to help them out. Will you be able to survive this crazy situation without the school knowing what’s going on?!


Calm, collected, and also the student council president, this girl is a model student in every way possible. Except for one thing… She’s breaking school rules to help her mother by working part-time at a maid cafe. Will you be able to help her keep her secret?

You’ve been friends with Yoshimi forever and you’ve never really seen her as more than just a friend. But when she starts working at a maid cafe with some awfully cute outfits… Will your opinion of her change?

Atsuko is the manager of your school soccer club and a favorite of the team. This petit, yet energetic girl is the talk of all of your teammates. What could a girl like her be doing working at a maid cafe…?
Oxirgi yangilanish
13-okt, 2023

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