Shaver Prank (Electric Razor)

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104 ta sharh
50 ming+
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Hair Clipper is the most realistic shaver app that you can fake all your friends! Simulator for mobile of electric Hair Clipper and joke clipper (PRANK)

Turn your smartphone into a fake hair trimmer / clipper / Hair Clipper now!
This is one of the most realistic apps of its kind, perfect for jokes and entertaining children simulating a real hair trimmer, clipper or shaver.

Use this funny app to mimic a hair trimmer / clipper / razor with your smartphone now and trick your family and friends!

Download this app now and start playing one of the most popular practical jokes on your friends! This app turns your device into a fake shaving machine or electric razor. It simulates a real razor sound so that if you place it on someone’s head they’re going to think you are actually cutting their hair! It is an ultimate harmless prank to pull on your friends that you have to try!

This app is only made for entertainment purposes. This is an simulation application which knowned as a prank on phone. Use the application long time may affect phone hardware.

If you feel this app funny and you want to have more prank app to enjoy with friends, just use this app frequently and rate 5 stars to support us. These actions are great motivation for us to build more free impressive apps. Thank you
Oxirgi yangilanish
17-dek, 2023

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