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Configure your WARBL USB MIDI controller.

WARBL is a plug-and-play USB MIDI wind controller that allows the traditional musician to practice with headphones using familiar playing techniques. Designed to simulate a variety of open-tonehole wind instruments such as tin whistles, flutes, and bagpipes, WARBL has optical sensors and real toneholes for continuous finger sensing and realistic feel. An air-pressure sensor allows playing with breath or a bagpipe bag.

WARBL does not produce any sound on its own. It is designed to control hardware MIDI sound modules or MIDI sound module apps running on an iOS device, for example AppCordions "Celtic Sounds" or Roland Sound Canvas.

The WARBL Configuration Tool allows complete control over the air pressure sensitivity, vibrato/pitch bend, expression, and many other settings. You may adjust and save settings to design the instrument of your choice.

The WARBL supports saving three preset instrument configurations, for example, Whistle, Uilleann Pipes, and Great Highland Bagpipes. The buttons on the back of the WARBL may be programmed to switch between the instrument preset configurations, change the octave, send MIDI messages, and many other options.

To use, just plug in your WARBL to an Apple USB Camera Adapter connected to the Lightning port on your device, run the app, touch "Connect WARBL" at the top of the control panel and begin configuring your WARBL.

When connected, the status at the top of the page will show "WARBL Connected" and the tone hole status display at the bottom of the page will show when you cover the holes, lighting them up in blue.

Touch the yellow “info” buttons for instructions on using each section of the Configuration Tool.
Oxirgi yangilanish
15-avg, 2022

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