Water Sort Puzzle:Fluid Master

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1 ming+
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Fluid master water sort game is a simple, easy and addictive puzzle game. A challenging yet stress free puzzle game to exercise your brain.

Sort the colored water in the glass bottles until all colors in the bottle not poured with same colors.

This game looks very simple, but it is quite challenging. Higher the level, higher the difficulty means you needs think critically for each move.

- Sort the puzzle pieces into respective tubes.
- Collect coins every time you complete a logic puzzle level
- Colorful graphics & exciting water sort color sounds
- Easy one finger control for the perfect sort.
- Multiple unique levels with amazing water games challenges
- Exciting modes of puzzles

🧪 How to Play: 🧪
- Tap any water bottle to pour water into another bottle.
- The way to pour is that you can only pour the water if it is the same color and there’re enough space on the glass bottle.
- To complete the level, one bottle must have single color only.

So, are you smart enough to solve Fluid Master Water Sort Puzzle game?
With this free and relaxing water sort puzzle game, you will never feel bored. While killing your free time, it’s the best way to train your brain! Download and Play NOW!
Oxirgi yangilanish
20-sen, 2024

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