WestingHouse Smart TV Remote

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722 ta sharh
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Why WestingHouse Smart TV Remote Control
Convert your mobile device into WestingHouse Smart TV Remote and get rid of drained batteries and broken plastic remotes.

Supported WestingHouse Smart TV's
- - Supports All WestingHouse Smart TV with Android OS OR Android TV Remote

This remote control for WestingHouse Smart TV supports Android OS and Traditional IR devices.

Network Compatibility
To use WestingHouse Smart TV Remote your WestingHouse Smart TV and your mobile device must be on the same Wi-Fi Network, once the Smart TV is detected then you will have to Enter the PIN shown on TV to start using WestingHouse Smart TV Remote.

Traditional IR Devices
Supports all traditional WestingHouse TV's, your phone must have IR blaster in it for using the WestingHouse TV Remote Control .

- ON / OFF
- Volume Control's
- Channel Control's
- Mute
- Navigation Control's
- Multi Media Control's
- Home
- Touch Pad
- Many More
- For Traditional WestingHouse TV Remote, supports all the functions in the remote.

Android TV
In addition to WestingHouse Smart TV, our Remote Control for WestingHouse Smart TV Supports Android Chromecast OS.

Smart TV Remote Can be used
- WestingHouse Android TV Remote
- WestingHouse Remote Smart TV

This app is not an official WestingHouse application. We are not affiliated with WestingHouse Inc in any way, we have just presented it in a better way.

Reach Us
If in any case your WestingHouse Smart TV Remote is not getting connected please reach us at nabasmarttvremote@gmail.com. We are always working to improve our product.
Oxirgi yangilanish
7-sen, 2024

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