Smart Unit Converter Pro

18 ta sharh
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Smart Unit Converter Pro - Pure & High Precision

Almost NO "Application Permissions" is required for this app at all. In addition, the size of app package as well as the download size is ONLY 0.12 MB.
This is a minimalist app for Android.

Moreover, Accurate & High Precision is another key feature of the PURE converter app.
This utility app respects your privacy, devices, and your time. It is Ad-free and clean enough.

1. Smart Unit Converter Pro is so lightweight that its package size is so small as only 125 KB, i.e. about 0.12 MB. Very few unit converter apps are more lightweight than this one.

2. This full-featured app supports up to 106 units of measurement such as pounds(lb), ounce(oz av, oz t, oz ap), g, kg, tonne, short ton, long ton, gallon(US liquid gal, UK gal, US dry gal), fluid ounce(fl. oz, US or UK), tablespoon, teaspoon, milliliter, liter, cu. ft, cu. m, acre, sq. yd, sq. ft, sq. in, are, ha, sq. km, sq. m, km, n mi, mi, m, cm, yd, ft, in, rod, .....

3. Smart Unit Converter Pro also supports special conversions about foot/inch and pound/ounce:
conversions from inch fraction or foot fraction to common metric units.
conversions from "foot/ft + inch/in" to common metric units, and vice versa.
conversions from "pound/lb + ounce/oz" to kilogram/kg, and vice versa.

4. Any unit conversion result is exact and high precision. This results from the fact that Smart Unit Converter Pro is in full compliance with authoritative definitions of every involved units. Check the app screenshots, please.

5. Smart Unit Converter Pro is ad-free and clean enough, without any advertising annoyance. You may enjoy a faster, cleaner experience with this PURE app.

6. In fact, with respecting to users' privacy, Smart Unit Converter Pro is Safe and Reliable enough because there is almost NOT ANY "Application Permissions" required at all.
You can run this utility app anywhere even if your device has NO internet connections.

7. The accurate converter app just focuses on the basic unit categories: Length, Area, Volume/Capacity, Weight, and Temperature. Every unit can be converted to each others in the same category. The app is expected to help those who need high precision conversions between the Imperial or US customary system and the Metric system for those basic units of measurement.

Total of units supported: Length - 16, Area - 19, Volume/Capacity - 44, Weight - 24, Temperature - 3.

8. Perhaps you would like to check and try the full-free edition, Smart Unit Converter Free, in advance.

The high precision yet lightweight enough converter apps are for Android-based tablets or phones with a big display(x >=480px & y >=725px).
Oxirgi yangilanish
26-iyl, 2024

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