Simple, free, easy to use! Take quick notes immediately. Keep notes always close at hand with our Simple note editor!
Easily save your notes with our notepad.
* Saving Notes
* To deleteq
* Update
* Delete notes multiple
* Bold, italicize and underline the notes you add
* Morever, you can write your notes item by item.
Question - answer
* How to delete?
You can delete the notes by making one or more selections by pressing long on your note on the main page, or you can open your note and delete it one by one.
* Is there a recording date in the daily notes?
Yes, the date you saved your notes seems in our app.
* If I update my notes, will the date be updated?
Yes, every time you save your note in our app, that date and time is included, too. Your notes are lined up according to the last registration date.
* What's the price?
No price, you can write notes for free.
Note editor
Write notes and keep them orderly.
You can add any kind of information; To-do list, shopping list, adding work tasks. You can delete notes when you want to. You won't get lost between filters and tabs since it is a simple notepad with a plain interface. Is there an important place in the notes you write, you can write it in bold, italic, underline or in items.
Benefit from our simple note-taking app: take notes and create lists on the go, write them in bold, italic, underline or bullet points and don't miss anything anymore!
Try a new and simple way to capture and highlight your ideas, lists, projects and everyday thoughts without the disorganization. Open the notebook , write down your plans and tap "save". It's that easy to take notes!
Want to change your note, it's very simple, open your saved note, make the desired edit and tap update, that's it, your recording date and time will be rewritten.
Choose a truly modern note holder that will record and organize everything you need to keep in mind.
Whether you're making a simple to-do list or writing a private note, you can do it all in the all-in-one notes app for android. 100% free.
Whenever something comes to mind, you can take notes without a pen and paper. Take notes in the note maker that you always have in your pocket! Online or offline, everything will be recorded and stored.
Even if you are in a hurry, you can still take notes. Write a short paragraph for your blog, create your shopping list, track your mood, our notepad app is for you!