The best project, for which half a million rubles were allocated, the best Russian game of the decade. Meet the great and inimitable Eggplant Clicker. You can do everything in it: click on the eggplant, click, look at it, admire it, and much more, as long as your imagination is enough.
Pump up improvements, get achievements and points for completing them, finally click. You have to click. No, YOU MUST CLICK ON THIS BEAUTIFUL EGGPLANT.
P.s. You could also make a lemon clicker, but as a rule: “If life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade, MAKE LIFE TAKE THEM BACK, GET ANGRY: - “I DON’T NEED YOUR DAMN LEMONS, WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH THEM?” Demand. meeting with the manager responsible for life! Make life regret the day when it decided to give you lemons!” ©Cave Johnson, Portal 2™