Chris Mayclin
The game is advertised as having been improved. In other words, same concept, but not just the same puzzles as every other similar game out there. I'm not seeing that; still seeing the same game. They have the option to upgrade troops, which gives you a sense of getting stronger, but really you're just staying 1 step weaker than the game. BTW, if I agree to watch an ad, the agreement is for ONE ad, NOT for as many ads as you feel like showing before throwing the promised bone! UNINSTALLING
45 people found this review helpful
Amanda Culver
Don't waste you time! On most levels you start at the underdog with no chance of winning. This game is purposely designed so you can only win by watching ads to increase your troops or buffs. Strategy barely counts. You CANNOT increase your troops if you don't win. If you do not want to have to watch a bunch of ads or spend money, DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME.
1 person found this review helpful
Wolff Man
This game has way too many ads that advertise other games that are basically knockoffs of a game similar to the others. There are some options that do not do anything at all and the double speed option makes you watch an ad for the game to still over power the player regardless. It's garbage and I've wasted too much of my time on this. Deleting it now.
23 people found this review helpful