卡车警察和汽车,追逐和摧毁敌人 AD9G 是一款令人上瘾的新卡车模拟器游戏,具有逼真的控件和出色的动态游戏玩法。这款3D卡车游戏采用新的3D环境设计,可让您不间断地连续玩几个小时。我们新的模拟器3D卡车游戏的目标是控制您的卡车,并将士兵从军队基地安全地运送到下一个军队基地。但是,请记住,在此 3D 游戏中,有许多敌人试图摧毁您的卡车,但您不应该让他们这样做,否则您将失败。最棒的是,您的卡车中将拥有集成武器,因此您可以防御他们的攻击。
UPDATED bug fix CRASH FIX when you want to play the next level then you have to restart the game and choose the level that which you want to play.
this is the trial game wait for the best game. if you want upgraded game please download our APP AD9G.COM( search FOR '''''AD9G'''' on the Play Store) and have a cool games there. this app is also a shopping app you can do shopping and save your money and your best time.