Google 用户
很好!這公司所有的遊戲,我都很喜歡!很用心,我喜歡玩你們的virtual family 2,現在已經第10代了,然後我覺得這village也很容易玩,只要玩過family的應該都差不多會上手,而且前面他還有教你怎麼玩,你們這次進步弄了個中文字幕,我其實覺得英文也蠻好的,我會永遠支持你們這間公司做的所有遊戲Great! All games under this company, I so love !Because this company do all games are so hardworking and make sure what is the players want. I already play the virtual family 2 too long time ,I think people had play the family 2 can play this village game ,easy to play , it also teach you how to play.I will support all games under this company