Hi there, we received your feedback and appreciate you taking the time to share it with us. If you could please write to hi@moon.fm , we'll make sure it gets to the right person and they can help you with what's going on.
1. play list希望设计成Apple podcast那样。按播客归类 2. 经常被杀后台,即使锁定也没用 3. 没有适配音乐app在Android上的新api 4. 锁屏时候蓝牙耳机点暂停再点播放没反应,打开手机看发现直接anr了
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Deng Gao
Hi there, we received your feedback and appreciate you taking the time to share it with us. If you could please write to hi@moon.fm, we'll make sure it gets to the right person and they can help you with what's going on