Early push Imibuzo "50 ukhetho ebabazekayo of Kanagawa"
Bheka umfanekiso landscape Kanagawa Prefecture, bese ukhetha impendulo evela 4 択.
Once the score ephakeme out, ngizozama ukuthumela score ukubeka igama.
In the screen simo, ngingasho hlola amaphuzu aphezulu Challenger emhlabeni wonke.
Ingabe izici ezilandelayo.
• Iphutha kwaba kabusha inselele kungaba uzame umsebenzi in inkinga
Random lokufunda lekukhona kuphendvula imibuto 10-30
Esidlule umlando display umsebenzi angabheka imiphumela
Global simo umsebenzi yokudlulisela amamaki in the world
Futhi imiphumela yosesho umsebenzi ukuhlola izinto of impendulo efanele screen
Isithombe ngumusa lokuthula kakhulu
Corporation Code dynamics
Kubuyekezwe ngo-
Aga 29, 2019