Ο Κανελής γν…, Δ.Κανελλόπουλος

Isilinganiselwa sokuqukethwe
Wonke umuntu
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini

Mayelana nalolu hlelo lokusebenza

The usinamoni uyazi Athens, Dimitris Kanellopoulos
ISBN (book eBook-digital): 978-618-5040-26-0
September 2013
Shuttle Publications
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Indaba yethu short kwenzeka Athens. It iqala ngokwenza isifiso futhi ephakamisa umfundi uhambo usuku ezindizayo phezu zokungcebeleka umuzi ezinkulu of Athens, eyaphumela the Acropolis.
The usinamoni iwuphawu inkululeko, a ncane, kodwa izifiso enkulu uhlamvu ezindizayo bejabule, elinezinkathazo futhi ekhathazayo, wathinta futhi kwamjabulisa isipho waze wanikela Isiphelo sakhe esihle.
Horse Holargos nethuba ngokusebenzisa izingxoxo ngezinto eziqoshiwe ehlukahlukene, isikhencezo, ikholomu kanye flag ukufunda izinto ezimangazayo ngezitshalo umuzi kanye nomlando walo.
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UDkt Dimitris Kanellopoulos wazalwa wakhulela Larissa, lapho wagogoda ezifundweni zakhe at the umfundi B Boys High School ngo-1973 Wafunda e Great Britain, lapho ngo-1978 wathola iziqu Aeronautical Engineering School, University of Manchester, eNgilandi.
      Phishekela umsebenzi ucwaningo emkhakheni Mechanics uketshezi futhi wathola PhD wakhe ngo-1982 Wayengumuntu uprofesa Institute Piraeus lapho efundisa Mechanics Fluid and Wemvelo Energy Sources.
      Ngo-1985 yena wajoyina PPC lapho ayesebenza njengoba engineer consultant ekhelini Energy Wemvelo (Deme) imibuzo Wemvelo Energy and the Environment. Watadisha futhi yakhelwe cishe zonke amapulazi umoya njengamanje ezisebenza Greece futhi basonta PPC-Renewables SA
      Ngo-2002, Sector Manager in the Strategy Management and Planning and PPC umxhumanisi Standing Group on the Environment.
      Incwadi saKhe Wind Energy eshicilelwe ngo-2008 by Editorial Ion Group.
      Ngo-2010 waba Director of Wind Energy PPC-Renewables SA
      Njengamanje Umqondisi Ukumeda of Natural Resources and Certification in PPC-Renewables SA
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Apollonia Paramythiotis
Ukuhlela, izilungiso:
Antonia Aristodimou
Cover Composition, Layout:
Hercules Lampadariou
Isicelo Development Android:
Anthony Panoras
Shuttle Publications
Athanasiou Diakou 42, 652 01, Kavala
T:. 2510 831856
K:. 6977 070729
e-mail: info@saitapublications.gr
website: http://www.saitapublications.gr
Creative Commons License
Umbiko uMdali - Noncommercial - No Yokubonela Isebenza 3.0 Greece
Ungase uvumele noma yimuphi umfundi ukudlala project (inani, ngokwengxenye noma summary, nganoma iyiphi indlela, mechanical, ngekwenta emakhophi, ukuqopha noma ngenye), ukusatshalaliswa kanye okuxhumana nomphakathi ngaphansi kwezimo ezilandelayo: umthombo, ukusetshenziswa non-commercial project. Futhi, awukwazi ukushintsha, uguqule noma wakhele kulo msebenzi.
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Ukufundwa Good
Kubuyekezwe ngo-
Okt 21, 2013

Ukuphepha kwedatha

Ukuphepha kuqala ngokuqonda ukuthi onjiniyela baqoqa futhi babelane kanjani ngedatha yakho. Ubumfihlo bedatha nezinqubo zokuphepha zingahluka kuye ngokusebenzisa kwakho, isifunda, nobudala. Unjiniyela unikeze lolu lwazi futhi angalubuyekeza ngokuhamba kwesikhathi.
Ayikho idatha eyabiwe nezinkampani zangaphandle
Funda kabanzi mayelana nendlela onjiniyela abaveza ngayo ukwabelana
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