Pharmacy Practice MCQs

Iqukethe izikhangiso
Isilinganiselwa sokuqukethwe
Wonke umuntu
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini

Mayelana nalolu hlelo lokusebenza

- 800+ MCQs in Pharmacy Practice
- Each MCQ contains solution notes
- MCQs contain images/diagrams
- Definitions of conditions
- Pharmacy abbreviations & acronyms
- Completely offline & Free to use

Note: Internet is required only to display ads.

The Pharmacy Practice MCQs app provides the user with a variety of practice MCQs, which can be used to assess essential pharmacy practice knowledge in a number of areas, including drug action, uses, clinical pharmacology, adverse effects, pharmaceutical care, counselling points, product selection and pharmaceutical calculations. It will be a very useful app both for pharmacy preregistration examination candidates and for practising pharmacists.


McQs in Pharmacy Practice
Lilian Azzopardi
Kubuyekezwe ngo-
Nov 21, 2024

Ukuphepha kwedatha

Ukuphepha kuqala ngokuqonda ukuthi onjiniyela baqoqa futhi babelane kanjani ngedatha yakho. Ubumfihlo bedatha nezinqubo zokuphepha zingahluka kuye ngokusebenzisa kwakho, isifunda, nobudala. Unjiniyela unikeze lolu lwazi futhi angalubuyekeza ngokuhamba kwesikhathi.
Ayikho idatha eyabiwe nezinkampani zangaphandle
Funda kabanzi mayelana nendlela onjiniyela abaveza ngayo ukwabelana
Ayikho idatha eqoqiwe
Funda kabanzi mayelana nokuthi onjiniyela bakuveza kanjani ukuqoqwa
Idatha ibetheliwe lapho ithunyelwa
Ungacela ukuthi leyo datha isulwe

Yini entsha

* important bug fixes
* improved Quiz feature
* implements dark theme
* improved functionality
* performance optimized
* user interface changes

- 800+ Pharmacy Practice MCQs
- Solution notes/explanations for each mcq
- Questions with diagrams
- MCQs in Pharmacy Practice with Mock Tests, MCQs Quiz
- Pharmacy Definitions of conditions
- Pharmacy abbreviations and acronyms