Ptt Sınav Soruları ve Hazırlık

Iqukethe izikhangiso
Isilinganiselwa sokuqukethwe
Wonke umuntu
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini

Mayelana nalolu hlelo lokusebenza

Abasebenzi abayizinkulungwane ezingama-55 bazobuthwa yi-PTT ngaphandle kwemfuneko ye-KPSS. I-PTT ayifuni imfuneko ye-KPSS ekuqasheni abasebenzi, kodwa yenza izivivinyo ngaphakathi kwesakhiwo sayo ngosizo lweNyuvesi yaseGazi. Abafundi abalinde izimemezelo zokuqashwa kwabasebenzi be-PTT ukuthi bashicilelwe bafuna imibuzo nezimpendulo ze-PTT. Siqoqe izihloko zokulungiselela izivivinyo ze-MAIL NE-TELEGRAPH ORGANIZATION esicelweni sakho esisodwa. Ngesixhumi esibonakalayo esilula, ungakwazi ukukuxazulula kalula futhi uqhubekele phambili ngesinyathelo esisodwa esivivinyweni.

Abasebenzi abazoqashwa ngaphandle kwemfuneko ye-PTT KPSS;
I-Box Office kanye ne-Office Clerk (Ezokumaketha)
I-Box Office kanye ne-Office Clerk (Logistics)
Uchwepheshe Womsizi we-PTT
Uchwepheshe Womsizi we-PTT (Wezomthetho)
Box Office and Office Clerk (Umshwalense)
Box Office and Office Clerk (Banking)
Uchwepheshe Womsizi we-PTT (Unjiniyela Wezimboni)
Uchwepheshe Womsizi we-PTT (Ukuhumusha-Ukutolika)
Box Office and Office Clerk (isisebenzi senkampani)
Kubuyekezwe ngo-
Mey 8, 2022

Ukuphepha kwedatha

Onjiniyela bangase babonise ulwazi lapha mayelana nendlela i-app yabo eqoqa futhi esebenzisa ngayo idatha yakho. Funda kabanzi mayelana nokuphepha kwedatha
Alukho ulwazi olutholakalayo

Yini entsha

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