DuoTube - dual caption player

Iqukethe izikhangiso
Isilinganiselwa sokuqukethwe
Wonke umuntu
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini

Mayelana nalolu hlelo lokusebenza

DuoTube is a video multi-subtitle player for learning English.
The video's English CC (closed caption) subtitles are machine translated into the user's preferred language, supporting more than 110 languages.

Features of DuoTube: Video multi-subtitle translation language learner
✔️ Instant translation to your preferred language
✔️ Simultaneous output of basic English subtitles and translated subtitles
✔️ Improve English speaking, reading and listening skills
✔️ Translate video captions into over 110 languages ​​worldwide
✔️Intuitive and user-friendly interface
✔️Effective English shadowing training with section repeat function
✔️ Improve English listening skills by adjusting video playback speed
✔️ English/native/dual subtitle selection function
✔️ Add videos to favorites and rewatch them later
✔️ Subtitle translator for Tube
✔️ Learn pronunciation by watching videos and subtitles
✔️ 100% free use of all features at no additional cost

※ How to use
Open the app and post the link to the video you want to learn English from.
Improve your English skills with dual subtitles while playing videos.

※ Restrictions
Not all videos have English subtitles, so only videos with English subtitles can be studied and translated.
The English subtitles are machine translated, so the translation may be awkward.

※ Note
- DuoTube utilizes yt's API source. All free videos are provided by yt service.
- In compliance with the API Terms of Use, we do not provide video caching or downloading.
- You can find more information about yt in the attached link. https://www.youtube.com/t/terms

※ Introduction to Greet Labs
Grit Labs is a one-person developer that develops a variety of free apps to help learn English. We strive to create apps with useful and essential features.
Requests and inquiries: devops0325@gmail.com

※ privacy policy
Kubuyekezwe ngo-
Eph 29, 2024

Ukuphepha kwedatha

Ukuphepha kuqala ngokuqonda ukuthi onjiniyela baqoqa futhi babelane kanjani ngedatha yakho. Ubumfihlo bedatha nezinqubo zokuphepha zingahluka kuye ngokusebenzisa kwakho, isifunda, nobudala. Unjiniyela unikeze lolu lwazi futhi angalubuyekeza ngokuhamba kwesikhathi.
Ayikho idatha eyabiwe nezinkampani zangaphandle
Funda kabanzi mayelana nendlela onjiniyela abaveza ngayo ukwabelana
Ayikho idatha eqoqiwe
Funda kabanzi mayelana nokuthi onjiniyela bakuveza kanjani ukuqoqwa
Idatha ibetheliwe lapho ithunyelwa
Idatha ayikwazi ukusulwa

Yini entsha

Bug fixes and improvements!