INFO: Kunconywa ukususa version elidala ngaphambi kokufaka one new.
The APP, eshicilelwe ngaphansi ukusekelwa LIBRA (Guidelines Italian COPD, rhinitis, isifuba somoya) kanye nokwethulwa of Prof. Paggiaro, iyithuluzi eliwusizo ukusiza abanale nkinga ukuba somoya ngezikhathi ukuhlola isimo isifo sabo. The APP iqukethe indlela elula of self-ukuhlolwa, by impendulo imibuzo embalwa, ungathola yi on the nokwanela of control ell'asma. Umphumela test ludluliselwa ngendlela ecacile nge "code umbala" esho isithombe ajwayelekile ukukhanya traffic of (green = somoya elawulwa; yellow = somoya ngokwengxenye elawulwa; red = somoya engalawuliwe). Isiguli owayo in the "yellow noma obomvu" kungenzeka iintjengiso nodokotela wakho ukwabelana ezingeni lokulawula 'Asthma and uphinde uhlolisise yokwelapha enqunyiwe. The APP iqukethe imisebenzi emibili ewusizo, lapho engayitholi nsuku zonke memory therapy (setting isikhathi futhi "Trill") futhi omunye ukukhumbula, njalo emavikini 4, isidingo enza umbhalo self-kuhlola.
The APP, ngokuba uhlobo lokuqukethwe nolwazi, ehloselwe bonke labo abaphethwe somoya.
Kubuyekezwe ngo-
Okt 18, 2018