The main goal of our company is high-quality and affordable calls even without Internet. All our clients can benefit from communication with relatives not only abroad, but also in their region due to very low rates. We ensure sustainable service development as per customer requirements.
No need to change the plan, operator, SIM card or phone. Just install the application, top-up your account — and start calling! No need to worry about an Internet connection — Wkontakcie does not need Wi-Fi.
• Save your money on other things, with the low prices of Wkontakcie.
• Offline connection. Forget about searching for Wi-Fi!
• Contacts import: your contacts — in your Wkontakcie.
• Wallet control: replenish your Wkontakcie wallet if needed.
• Everything is ready to use, all you need is to install the app and that's it!
• Simplicity — the person you are calling doesn't need to have Wkontakcie installed!
• Actualization — we always update and improve our services.
• No limits: make calls to mobile and landline phones.
• User-friendly interface + modern design = perfect combination!
• New communication format: international long-distance calls are now more affordable!
• No contracts, no new SIM cards, no phone number changes.
• International connection — call any person in the world!
• 24/7 Technical support. We will answer any questions about Wkontakcie.
• FREE: install the application, use technical support, talk for the first 10 minutes!