RMB Games 1: Toddler Games

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RMB Games – Knowledge Park 1 redefines toddler games by an impressive showcase of free alphabet, numbers, color learning and shape games. These games are perfect for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 year old kids. Preschool learning has never been so easy and fun!

These free games for kids, include more than 40 funny levels containing over 200 objects to learn and a lot of animals and other funny characters with increasing difficulty in the levels.

Each level is voiced by a native speaker to help the child learn the correct pronunciation of the new words.

Knowledge Park 1’s learning game includes many fun heroes loved by the whole world:
• Fluffy Chick
• Glamorous Kitty
• Cool Panda
• Clever Heron
• Funny Pig
• Friendly Dog
• Cute Rabbit

Our free toddler games will help your boys and girls to:
• learn numbers
• learn how to identify groups of objects and sort them
• learn ABC and new words
• learn how to make simple words
• study the basic colors and shapes
• develop new talents, creativity, and motor skills

These are the best educational games for children. Indeed, they love to play them so much!
Millions of kids and mothers around the world have praised our games!

Let’s look at the first theme park in the beautiful city of San Francisco located by the ocean, mountains, and forests, with many museums, sweets, and ice cream.

In the "World of Numbers" mini-game, kids will play 12 exciting educational levels together with funny characters and learn numbers.

Kids will discover many places for interesting learning in our 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 year old kids games:
• "Funny Factory Pizza" – choose the ingredients and decide which pizza you want to make
• "Foods Heroes" – place orders for hamburgers, chicken, donuts, and treats for your friends
• "Funny Number Quiz" – select the correct number in numerical order and quickly counts further

In the "World of Coloring" mini-game, the child will play 12 exciting creative levels together with funny characters to learn colors and do some coloring themselves:
• play with their own drawings
• save the photo in the gallery or share it with friends

In the "World of Alphabet" mini-game, the child will play 15 exciting educational levels that will easily introduce them to letters, new words together with funny characters and places to visit and compete in:

• "Extreme Ski Race" – slide down a steep and beautiful slope, quickly find the correct letter of the alphabet and try to win the race!
• "Funny Fishing", where cute ducks swim with letters in envelopes, from which kids need to make a word and quickly assemble it;
• "Magic Beach" – solve several puzzles from cards that depict letters and various fruits, vegetables, animals, insects;
• "Interesting Photoshoot" in nature with pets and wild animals.

In the "World of Shapes" mini-game, the child will play 12 exciting levels and will easily get acquainted with colors, shapes, sizes and, together with funny characters, will visit:

• "Ice Cream Museum",
• "Candy Museum",
• "Dino Museum",
• "Toys Museum",
• "Funny Smiling Shapes",
• "Space Photoshoot",
• "Funny Running on Mud"

Note how fun preschool learning can be! Babies and toddlers will have lots of fun for a long time without stress and time limit.

We are constantly adding new educational games, which you can find on our website: https://rmbgames.com/

Join us, subscribe to our pages on social media:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rmb_games/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RMBGames/
Shop Online: https://rmbgames.com/shop/

Start endless fun and education now with our free toddler games ranging from ABC to coloring to shape games & many more!

Thanks to everyone who plays our baby games and appreciates them!
RMB Games
Oxirgi yangilanish
14-fev, 2024

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Dastur ishlab chiquvchilar axborot ulashilishini qanday aytishi haqida batafsil
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Dastur ishlab chiquvchilar axborot jamlanishini qanday aytishi haqida batafsil
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Google Play “Butun oila uchun” dasturi qoidalariga amal qiladi

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Thank you for your feedback! ❤️For us it is very important. We will continue to delight you. ⭐️We are constantly adding new educational games: https://www.rmbgames.com
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Nima yangiliklar

For parental convenience, translations of controls have been added into local languages.
In addition, the update has fixed bugs and made some improvements.
Thanks for using our apps! We’re looking forward to your feedback!