GARMNTT is an END TO END B2B SaaS supply chain platform that matches the best factories when a brand requests the production of clothes and provides all transaction services, including price/delivery negotiation, contract, production management and payment, all within one platform.
LITE SERVICE for garment brands (Free)
· Sending production requests to sewing factories that the brand is currently doing business with
· Contract with a factory with the best conditions among the factories that sent the request
· Production management collaboration chat room automatically created for each contract
· Collaborate on production management by adding users
· No matter how many factories and how many orders are processed, pressing the notification moves to the corresponding production collaboration chat room to prevent miscommunication and significantly reduce time
· Prevention of the same mistakes and fast reordering by viewing previous production records
PREMIUM SERVICE for garment brands (Free Beta)
· All features of the Lite service
· Optimal supply chain recommendation for production requests
· Production management collaboration and mediations
· Online/mobile payment (under development)
PREMIUM SERVICE for sewing factories/contractors (Free Beta)
· Connecting the production request that the factory wants
· Participate in bidding by modifying the price and delivery date desired by the factory
· Production management collaboration chat room automatically created for each contract
· Collaborate on production management by adding users
· Prevention of the same mistakes by viewing previous production records