English Vietnamese Dictionary

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About this app

Blue Dict: English Vietnamese Dictionary - Best dictionary for Smartphone which has accurate and clear definitions, rich examples, words for the specialist, grammar, synonyms/antonyms.

The main benefits of Blue Dict: English Vietnamese Dictionary
- Pronunciation of all the words both common and rare words with a clear voice.
- English to English dictionary, Grammar dictionary
- English phrases, examples, synonym and antonym
- More result from other dictionaries in one time
- Not require opening the app to enable Quick Search
- Easy to you, simple tflat design dictionary
- Voice search, image search, translate text
- Offline words, 3000 oxford english words

You can go to bluedict.net for the web version, if you have any comments or feedback, please send an email to contact@bluedict.net.

BLUE Dict English Vietnamese Dictionary – Tu dien Anh Viet Tu dien Viet Anh chinh xac day du nhat tu dien offline ho tro tra tu dich cau dich van ban

Tu dien Anh Viet bao gom nhieu du lieu tu dien khac nhau cung cap phan giai nghia chinh xac day du nhat cho moi tu vung Ngoai ra con co tu dien chuyen nganh tu dien Anh – Anh tu dong nghia trai nghia tu dien ngu phap vi du minh hoa

Tu dien Anh Viet hoat dong hoan toan offline ho tro phien am va phat am giong chuan Anh Anh Anh My

Tu dien tieng Anh co tinh nang dich van ban chinh xac nhat giup dich cau tieng Anh dich tieng Anh sang tieng Viet

Tu dien Viet Anh su dung linh hoat co the nhap tieng Anh hoac tieng Viet co cua so tra nhanh giup tra tu o ngoai ung dung

Tu dien Anh Viet Offline ho tro dich bang giong noi dich camera may anh

Anh Viet tu dien phu hop cho hoc sinh sinh vien hoc tieng Anh tra cuu nghia chinh xac hoc tu vung tieng anh dich tieng Anh

English Vietnamese Dictionary duoc toi uu phan mem nen dung luong nhat nhe hoat dong muot ma tren ca cac thiet bi cau hinh yeu Cac chuc nang duoc thiet ke don gian de dung dem lai trai nghiem tot nhat

Dich tieng Anh, dich tieng anh sang tieng viet, dich cau, dich van ban

Moi phan hoi gop y vui long lien he contact@bluedict net hoac truy cap webbsite http bluedict net de xem chi tiet.
Updated on
Sep 24, 2021

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Ratings and reviews

11.5K reviews
Nguyễn Sony
November 26, 2021
Pretty good dictionary overall. Seem packed with functions. Some parts it could improve is a paid version for removing ads and a dark theme.
2 people found this review helpful
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mike lee
July 23, 2022
grammar check function does not work correctly. Ex.: I typed a sentence ' When is the play going to be starts? ' the app. responded that ' no errors were found ' ????????
3 people found this review helpful
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