The new APVS Associate application has arrived!
Now is the time to have the updated version of the Best Vehicle Protection app in Latin America in the palm of your hands, when and where you need it. With more security, your data will be protected and protected. After all, our protection is for all times, isn't it?
With new features, we want to bring you closer to our services and make your life even easier.
- 2nd payment slip: your payment slip hasn't arrived? No need to worry, you can issue the duplicate through the app only with your CPF and license plate to pay your vehicle protection.
- Important documents: APVS regulation and Support Manual. Do you have doubts about the Association's operation? Deadlines? Procedures or services? All the important information you need is in the documents that are delivered at the time of closing your vehicle protection.
- Registration update: You can change your phone number and e-mail in a very simple way or if you prefer to change your home address, just attach your current proof of address.
- Benefits club: did you know that you have access to the APVS club? There are more than 30 thousand products, in thousands of establishments, to make your life even easier!
- Important phones: you need to talk to APVS, always have the following numbers at hand: 4007-2382 (APVS hotline) and 0800 605 4381 (24h assistance & Theft and Theft)
APVS, a new concept in Vehicle Protection.