Planning Poker

Clasificación de contido
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla

Acerca desta aplicación

Planning Poker is a tool Which AIMS to help on the estimation of the stories using Agile methodology.

Each member of the team Picks a card that he Feels best represents the complexity of that story. The illustrations and deseño of the cards were created by the CESAR deseño team and represent the complexity of the tasks along with numbers in the cards.

Everyone then concertos the cards that they picked, if cards with different values ​​are shown, the person with The Biggest value debates with the person with the lowest value stating their Reasons. After the discourse the team have another opportunity to show their cards again and the card that is shown by the Majority of the team is Chosen as the value for that story.

We hope that this application crear be used by another teams to make their planning more fun and Accurate.

The application is Currently using estándar cards. It is not supporting different card Decks such as camiseta size or Fibonacci números.
Última actualización
23 de nov. de 2016

Seguranza dos datos

Neste apartado, os programadores poden mostrar información sobre como recompilan e utilizan os teus datos coa súa aplicación. Máis información sobre a seguranza dos datos
Non hai información dispoñible


Correção de bugs