eID-Me Digital ID

370 ta sharh
10 ming+
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Now available Canada-wide!


1) An NFC-enabled Android phone (with Android 6 or later).
2) An email address.
3) One of the following Canadian government-issued photo IDs associated with your address:
○ Driver’s licence
○ Photo ID card, or
○ Services card
4) Physically be close enough to the address associated with your photo ID card when you register.
5) Recommended: passport to increase your Identity Assurance Level (IAL) and likelihood of passing identity verification. Your IAL conveys a level of confidence that your digital identity is your real identity. A higher IAL enables your identity to be trusted by more services.


Please email us at support@bluink.ca if you have questions or need assistance.


eID-Me is a secure digital identity app. eID-Me digitizes and securely stores government-issued identity and self-managed identity information on your Android phone.

eID-Me makes online identity verification quicker, easier, and more secure by eliminating passwords and strengthening privacy.

eID-Me cannot currently be used as a substitute for legal identification. Our goal is to improve access to services that require verified identity, including government, financial, health care, and more.

If you want to help speed up eID-Me integrations, spread the word. Share eID-Me content on social media. Show eID-Me to friends. Email your MP and MPP, asking them to support eID-Me digital ID. Learn more at: eid-me.com/share.


During registration, use your Android phone to prove your identity by taking a selfie with liveness check, and scanning your government-issued photo identity documents (e.g., driver’s licence, passport). Your Android phone is then issued a unique eID-Me digital identity, which includes a digital certificate with identity claims (verified pieces of information about you).

You can then use your eID-Me digital identity to easily access services and securely share identity information in identity transactions both online and offline (in person).


Your identity information is always in your possession on your Android phone. It is never hosted by a centralized service or third-party provider or stored in the cloud. Once your identity information is verified, a secure certificate is installed on your phone. That information is not accessible to anyone but you, until you choose to share it in an identity transaction.

eID-Me’s digital wallet is protected on the Android phone with strong encryption, leveraging its hardware security mechanisms, and is bound to your authentication method (e.g., Face Unlock, Fingerprint Unlock, PIN).


• Secure digital ID on your Android phone.
• Secure digital wallet on your Android phone containing your identity with verified ID information.
• No cloud storage of your identity information.
• Strong encryption and certificate-based authentication.
• eID-Me identity is bound to your Android phone’s authentication method (e.g., Face Unlock, Fingerprint Unlock, PIN).
• Strong privacy protection with complete control over your identity and information.
Oxirgi yangilanish
18-apr, 2024

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Dastur ishlab chiquvchilar axborot ulashilishini qanday aytishi haqida batafsil
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