Would you like to get around on public transport but need to get to the station by car and finding a parking space it? Metropolitan Parking Exchange makes it easy!
Based on the European concept of the Park & Ride (P + R), the system allows the user to frequent public transport to park your car in a parking P + R, specially fitted near nodes strategic transport (train, tram, bus ...) and enjoy 24 consecutive hours free parking.
To benefit from this service, you must meet the following requirements:
- Be registered in the P + R system
- Park in one of the P + R parking areas equipped for the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona
- Make use of a valid ticket for the P + R system
- Validate the process through the APP
Metropolitan Parking Exchange is a completely free application with which you can start and end the service, keep track of your parking situation, manage your profile and associated vehicles and get in touch with the operators of AMB in case of any incident. It also provides information about the availability of parking areas to optimize travel.
Want to start enjoying the service? Download the app and follow the instructions:
1. Download the APP and register by entering your details
2. park your vehicle in the area P + R and initiates service through the APP
3. Enjoy your journey by public transport
4. On the back, before removing the vehicle, your authorized ticket machines Checker P + R
5. Finish the service through your vehicle and remove APP
For more information, www.amb.cat/aparcamentsintercanvi Turn on the phone 93 03 33 33. We will be happy to assist.