Would you like to do something for the climate? Cool. «Climate Actions» gives you the best tips for everyday life. In the four categories of nutrition, consumption, mobility and living you can take part in challenges, collect points and become a ClimateHero. And best of all: You can compete with other ClimateHeroes in ranking or compete with your team against other groups. When competing with friends or communities, climate protection is even more fun.
- Take part in the challenges and become a Climate Hero
- Earn points in the areas of nutrition, consumption, mobility and housing
- Advance to the next level when you have the required points
- Invite your friends to join in and compete with them
- Become strong for the climate and improve your ranking
- Form a team and compare yourself with others and achieve even more
"ClimateActions" is a project of MYBLUEPLANET. Founded in 2007, the Swiss non-profit and environmental protection organization aims to inspire others with innovative projects and useful tips on climate protection. True to the motto: Today together for a climate-friendly tomorrow."