Harrison liss
I finally managed to beat the game. It was a nice, short experience with a few difficult moments such as The Moon fight. The is the hardest boss in the game. To beat it, you have to sword dash strike (hold A) through the meteorite strikes to live through that random attack. It was also disgustingly addictive and I easily wasted 3 hours playing this. This a major time sink and it is so fun playing It's a good use of my time though! Very fun! I liked this way more than I thought I would for sure!!
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William Ziegler
Dont see why there are bad reviews. Reminds me of castlevania. The level system is fine. No problems there. The speed you gain levels is fine. I would imagine the harder the enemy the more exp and coin you gain. I enjoy the game. It is fun and enjoyable. No permanent death which is nice. Far as I can tell no reduction in coin or exp upon death when respawning which is nice.
13 people found this review helpful

Arthur Cole
Pretty good. Took about 3 hours but probably could be done faster. If you look at the numbers when you pick a coin up, you'll see that later enemies drop more, even though it looks like they drop one. If you die, you go to the last tent with 5 hearts. You can push forward without hesitation. If you die, you'll end up at your last tent with the gold from the stronger enemies that are killing you. Push forward and you'll get through it fast. Fairly smooth controls.
10 people found this review helpful